Marketing & Graphic Design

As an independent contractor for and later an employee of KConfs - Knowledge Conferences LLC. I helped manage multiple conference websites including MedFuse,, IoTFuse and RetailFuse.

Conference Banners

Banners were created to thank our many event sponsors who made our events possible. Conferences consisted of a morning keynote, many sessions, and workshops for our bigger conferences.

Promotional Flyers

Confrnz Promotional Video

A promotional video was created to show what the new conference platform would offer attendees. This platform is currently being developed to host our digital conferences. You may visit Confrnz here.

Social Media Ads

Different types of advertisements were designed in order to test the effectiveness of each. Paid advertising was utilized on social networks such as Facebook.

KConfs - Digital Brochures

Brochure Download Links

Small Digital Brochures were designed to help attendees make decisions on attending Workshops as well as helping potential speaker applicants get a general idea about the benefits of speaking.

View Workshop Brochure

View Speaker Brochure

IoTFuse Workshops + Fuse Pass

Promotional social media material was made to get attendees to register for the All Access Pass which includes 2-day workshops. The main focus was to highlight different aspects of the workshops. Fuse Pass Ads were created to showcase the connectivity benefits provided. Lastly. Livestream ads were made in response to the pandemic and switch from a physical to a digital conference.


Using this platform, I was in charge of registering attendee's, distributing discount codes, and exporting attendee lists used to print out tickets. In addition to this, graphics were made for each conference which can be seen below.